What are the Win Win Weeks all about?

It helps everyone to consume more sustainably.

By engagin with players in the circular economy.

By creating innovative services for everyone.

Learn more about our commitments
  • Encouraging better consumption

  • Taking action on climate change

  • Supporting our employees

  • Using digital as a binding
    force between people


Win Win Weeks 2023

3 weeks to share the winning spirit and to encourage a more responsible consumption!

Recycling, reconditioning, reusing, renovating, repairing... this year, we're putting the circular economy at the heart of the event and our daily lives to give everyone the chance to live, eat, dress, equip themselves and travel around more sustainably.

This year's program includes:

Tips for learning how to consume more responsibly

Sharing knowledge to inspire new practices

Payment solutions designed for sustainable consumption

Highlights of this latest edition

The “Circular economy and purchasing power” conference with Nathan Stern and Stéphane Belot

The live athlete “Circular economy and high-level sport”, with Matéo Colsenet and Pierre-Ambroise Bosse


Committing with us in 2023

Our partners are joining us during the 2023 Win Win Weeks to encourage more responsible consumption.

Because it is essential for Oney to collaborate with partners who share our convictions, we are working together to encourage a fairer business modal, explore new practices and offer more sustainable solutions.

In addition to our main activities, we are also initiating this movement in conjunction with our stakeholders who are working to improve the future of the planet in their own ways, and those who are part of it: our consumers, our partners, our 2,300 talents, our partner schools and associations and more.

Because we are all committed to creating a fairer, humane and more sustainable world.

Discover our Win Win Weeks 2023 partners

Discover the Win Win Weeks in Europe

(1) Conditions d’acceptation : être un particulier (personne physique majeure) résidant en France, titulaire d’une carte bancaire (cartes CB, Visa et Mastercard) dont la date de validité est supérieure à la durée du financement choisi. Les cartes Electron, Maestro, Indigo, American Express, e-card et carte virtuelle de paiement ne sont pas acceptées.

Offre de financement sans assurance avec apport obligatoire, valable pour tout achat chez Maxi Coffee de 100€ à 4 000€, Belong de 100€ à 6 000€, Vestiaire Collective de 300 à 3 000€, Backmarket de 150€ à 3 000€. Sous réserve d’acceptation par Oney Bank. Vous disposez d’un délai de rétractation de 14 jours pour renoncer à votre crédit si achat web. Si le partenaire propose en 3 fois : exemple en 3 fois pour un achat de 300€, apporte de 100€, puis 2 x 100€. Crédit sur 2 mois au TAEG fixe de 0%. Coût du financement 0€. Si le partenaire propose en 4 fois : exemple en 4 fois pour un achat de 400€, apport de 100€, puis 3 x 100€. Crédit sur 3 mois au TAEG fixe de 0%. Coût du financement 0€.

(2) Campana Win Win Week Oney de financiación gratuita SIN INTERESES TAEO 0%.

Con 3x 4x Oney puedes pagar tu compra en 3, 4, 6, 10 o 12 plazos sin intereses con tu tarjeta desde un importe de 60 € y hasta 2.500 € (los importes y cuotas pueden variar en función del comercio).

Ejemplo representativo para una financiación de 600 € en 6 cuotas. Una 1° cuota, en el momento de la compra, de 100 € y 5 cuotas mensuales posteriores de 100 €. Plazo 5 meses. Intereses: 0 €. Coste total del crédito: 0 €. Importe total adeudado (precio total a plazos): 600 €. TIN 0% TAE 0%. Sistema de amortización francés con cuotas constantes. Fecha de Validez del 30/09/2022 al 06/10/2022 inclusive. Financiación ofrecida y sujeta a aprobación de Oney Servicios Financieros SAU.

(3) Messaggio pubblicitario con finalità promozionale. Per maggiori informazioni consulta il foglio informativo disponibile sul sito www.oney.it. TAEG MAX 0%. Offerta valida dal 30/09/2022 al 06/10/2022.

3x4x Oney è una dilazione di pagamento che non ricade nell’ambito di applicazione del credito ai consumatori di cui al Titolo VI, Capo II TUB, offerta da Oney Bank SA., capitale € 51.286.585 - 34 Avenue de Flandre 59170 Croix - RCS Lille, Metropole - 546 380 197 - n° Orias 07 023 261, che opera in Italia in regime di libera prestazione di servizi. Soggetto ad approvazione di Oney Bank SA.

(4)TAEG de 0,0% TAN 0,00%. Crédito Pessoal de 75€ a 2.000€, pago em 3, 4, 6, 10 ou 12 prestações com cartão de débito ou de crédito das redes Visa® ou Mastercard®, sem juros nem encargos. Sujeito a aprovação. Informe-se junto do Oney Bank - Sucursal em Portugal registado no Banco de Portugal com o nº 881.